Susanna F. de Rezende, Aaron Potechin, and Kilian Risse.
Clique Is Hard on Average for Unary Sherali-Adams. (arXiv)
Proceedings of the 64th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS '23),
November 2023.
Susanna F. de Rezende, Mika Göös, and Robert Robere.
Proofs, Circuits, and Communication.
SIGACT News Complexity Theory Column 112, volume 53, issue 1, pages 59-82,
March 2022.
Susanna F. de Rezende, Massimo Lauria, Jakob Nordström, and Dmitry Sokolov.
The Power of Negative Reasoning.
Proceedings of the 36th Annual Computational Complexity Conference (CCC '21), July 2021.
Susanna F. de Rezende, Mika Göös, Jakob Nordström, Toniann Pitassi, Robert Robere, and Dmitry Sokolov.
Automating Algebraic Proof Systems Is NP-Hard.
Proceedings of the 53rd Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC '21), June 2021.
Joël Alwen, Susanna F. de Rezende, Jakob Nordström, and Marc Vinyals.
Cumulative Space in Black-White Pebbling and Resolution.
Proceedings of the 8th Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science Conference (ITCS '17),
January 2017.
Julio Araujo, Nathann Cohen, Susanna F. de Rezende, Frédéric Havet, and Phablo F.S. Moura.
On the Proper Orientation Number of Bipartite Graphs.
Theoretical Computer Science, volume 566, pages 59-75, February 2015.
Susanna F. de Rezende, Cristina G. Fernandes, Daniel M. Martins, and Yoshiko Wakabayashi.
Intersecting Longest Paths.
Discrete Mathematics, volume 313, issue 12, pages 1401-1408, June 2013.
Preliminary version in
EuroComb '11.